Laboratoire de Cosmétologie du pacifique Sud
BP 120203, 98712 Papara (Tahiti-French Polynesia)
Papara - PK 39.5 mountain side
Tel: (+ 689) 40 54 78 54
Email : info-tahiti@pacifiquesud.com

Parfumerie Sachet
BP 56, 98713 Papeete (Tahiti -French Polynesia)
PK 1.8 mountain side - Tipaerui Valley
Tel : + 689 40 82 63 40
Email : monoisachet@mail.pf

Parfumerie Tiki
BP 805, 98713 Papeete (Tahiti-French Polynesia)
Auae Faa’a - PK 2.6 mountain side
Tel: (+ 689) 40 82 63 40

Heïva Cosmétiques de Tahiti
BP 3300006, 98711 Paea (Tahiti-French Polynesia)
Paea - PK 20 mountain side
Tel: (+689) 40 42 31 31

Tahiti Oil Factory
BP 5636, 98716 Pirae (Tahiti-French Polynesia)
Tel: (+689) 40 54 99 40
Appellation of origin and trademark
Monoi de Tahiti has been protected by an appellation of origin since 1992, which governs the manufacturing process and ensures its authenticity and quality.
Monoi de Tahiti® is also a registered trademark.
The Appellation of Origin
The Appellation of Origin (here after AO) is an intellectual property right that is fully autonomous, in the same way as a patent or a trademark. This right is expressly recognized in the WTO Agreements on trade related intellectual property rights, more often known as TRIPS. The appellation of origin was defined in the Lisbon Agreement, an international treaty signed in 1958:
"An appellation of origin is the geographical name of a country, region, or locality, which serves to designate a product originating therein, the quality and characteristics of which are due exclusively or essentially to the geographic environment, including natural and human factors."
The production of an AO product is submitted to an approval procedure of the manufacturers and a control of the manufacturing conditions as well as of the products themselves.
Definition of Monoï de Tahiti according to the Apppellation of Origin
Monoï de Tahiti is the first cosmetic product to have obtained an Appellation of Origin.
Since April 1992, Monoï de Tahiti ingredients and production process have been strictly defined by decree #92-340:
“Monoi de Tahiti is the product obtained by macerating Tiare blossoms in refined coconut oil. This oil is to be extracted from mature coconuts gathered from Cocos Nucifera trees growing in the coral soil in the geographic area of French Polynesia exclusively. Only "Tiare" flower buds from the Gardenia Taitensis species and of Polynesian origin are acceptable...”
Concentration requirements of Monoï de Tahiti AO
The decree sets the minimum concentration of Monoi de Tahiti in cosmetic formulation.
a) Bath and shower products including salts, creams, gels and shampoos, body oil excepted: 0.3%
b) Toiletries soaps: 30%
c) Other bath and shower products: 1%
d) Bath or body oil, sun care oil included: 50%
e) Skin care products (creams, emulsions, lotions, tonics, gels) including dry oils – body oil excepted – depilatory products, hair care products, make-up – foundation creams and products for the lips excepted – make-up removers, douche products, sun care products – sun care oil excepted – self tanning products: 1%
f) Foundation creams and products for the lips: 2%
Moreover, in products where Monoï is formulated with other vegetable oils, Monoï de Tahiti AO must represent a minimum of 30% of the total amount of these oils.
The percentage of Monoï de Tahiti in the formula must appear on the label.
The Appellation of Origin “stamp”
Brands using Monoï de Tahiti AO are authorized to use the stamp of the Appellation of Origin on their packaging and in their communication.
Monoï de Tahiti® is also a protected trademark.